Corporate Forum - AAP Annual Meeting 2019

Corporate Forum Course Descriptions

Course titles and descriptions provided by Corporate Forum participants.

The Academy does not offer continuing education (CE) credit for the Corporate Forum; however,some companies may be ADA CERP certified

Precision Oral Health in Periodontology
Moderator: Maria E. Ryan, DDS, PhD

How to Translate Research Innovations into Personalized Care
William V. Giannobile, DDS, MS, DMedSC

Real World Evidence, Big Data and Genomics Improves Clinical Outcomes
Michael G. Newman, DDS, FACD

Q&A with the Panel
Revolutionary changes in health care are on the horizon, driven by advances in technology and a remarkable convergence of interdisciplinary scientific findings. Our understanding of personal risk has evolved based on genetic, biomarker, epigenetic, phenotypic, socioeconomic, and psychosocial determinants that provide insight into individual susceptibility to disease and response to therapy. Precision medicine and advances in precision oral health are poised to profoundly transform how clinicians approach preventive and treatment strategies to better care for our patients.

Guided Biofilm Therapy: A Paradigm Shift in Biofilm Management. Removing Biofilm from Dental and Implant Surfaces Without Damaging Those Structures
Magda Mensi, DDS

Cementum conservation is fundamental for regeneration. Manual instruments, if used incorrectly, can remove many microns of hard tissue which may induce hypersensitivity. On implant surfaces stainless steel instruments and some plastic tips alter the titanium. This lecture will discuss a new approach called Guided Biofilm Therapy, which combines erythritol powder with piezoceramic instruments to remove biofilm minimally invasively whilst improving the clinical results.

Soft Tissue Considerations for Dental Implants
Donald S. Clem, III, DDS

While dental implants have a high integration rate with bone, soft tissue considerations can affect both esthetics and function. Ridge concavities, despite bone augmentation, are not uncommon  as the natural anatomy has been compromised due to soft tissue changes. This presentation will review options for augmenting soft tissue around implants both at the time of bone augmentation and post-initial treatment.

Roles of the Er:YAG Laser in the Management of Implant Surface Detoxification in the Presence of Peri-Implantitis
Hector L. Sarmiento, DMD, MSc

The detoxification methods of an implant surface in the presence of peri-implantitis has been controversial in recent literature. Although many protocols have been suggested, the use of a laser can be minimally invasive to the implant structure and avoid complications from surface modifications. This presentation will discuss the classification, radiographic interpretation, and management of peri-implantitis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss a classification system based on etiologies to diagnose peri-implantitis properly.
  • Learn the different Implant detoxification methods currently available.
  • Present multiple clinical cases for the surgical treatment of peri-implant diseases.

Dental Implantitis: Incidence, Etiology, Treatment using Perio Laser
John Paul Stella, DDS, FACS

This presentation will focus on the incidence and etiology of dental implantitis, as well as recent strides made in treatment using the PerioLase MVP-7. Correctly identifying the causes of dental implantitis enables clinicians to reduce the potential for disease. Perio laser treatment will predictably improve the immediate and long-term results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the occurrence and causes of dental implantitis.
  • Be able to recall the 7 (C’s) of dental implantitis.
  • Discover the advantages to recent strides using specific laser treatment in predictably treating dental implantitis.

Rise of Placental Tissue Products for Tissue Repair and Regeneration
Danny J. Holtzclaw, DDS, MS

The evolution of placental tissue is forever changing medicine and Snoasis Medical has pioneered this development since 2007. This Purion® processed, deepithelialized amnion-chorion allograft (BioXclude®) delivers multiple extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors, and cytokines to provide a barrier membrane that enhances healing. This lecture will review the ever-growing body of evidence for BioXclude, which supports improved healing and outcomes in dental implant and periodontal surgery, as well as areas of future research.

Current Concepts and New Perspectives in the Immediate Treatment in the Esthetic Area
Daniele Cardaropoli, DDS

The treatment of post-extraction socket may represent a challenge for clinicians due to the remodeling of the alveolar ridge following tooth extraction. At the same time, patients’ esthetic demands continuously increase, asking for immediate protocols. For these reasons, high performing implants are needed in order to achieve satisfying primary stability in all bone conditions, and solid restorative protocols are requested to deliver provisional crowns following immediate loading. During this lecture, we will review bone and soft tissue stability in case of immediate placement with immediate loading to help the management of the most challenging cases.

Avoiding Complications in Same-Day Guided Immediate Placement and Provisionalization Using Guides and Improved Digital Workflow
Gary A. Morris, DDS

Patients with debilitated or missing dentition often seek rehabilitation to quickly regain masticatory function, esthetics, and quality of life. Clinicians can now predictably offer treatment solutions for both single-tooth and immediate full-arch restorations to meet patient demands and expectations. This program will show participants a step-by-step practical approach to deliver provisional prostheses on the day of implant placement with reliable accuracy; definitive prostheses can be fabricated and delivered in an appropriate timeframe.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss new ways to manage the treatment planning and communication between the surgeon, referral, and lab.
  • Describe a comprehensive guided surgery system that is based on the esthetic tooth position and facilitates the ability to provide a provisional restoration at the time of surgery.
  • List the advancements in the industry that have led to greater efficiencies and improved accuracy through digital workflows.
  • Explain the tips and tricks for taking a digital impression with the latest in intraoral scanning technology.
  • Understand what records are needed to start a case and how you will be able to collaborate across multi-specialties to complete the case successfully.

Incorporating the New Risk-Based Classification into Clinical Practice with Strategies to Reduce Risk
Moderator: Maria E. Ryan, DDS, PhD

New AAP/EFP Periodontal Classifications Guidelines in Clinical Practice
Panos N. Papapanou, DDS, PhD

Whole-Mouth Health to Reduce Risk and Aid in the Management of Periodontal Diseases
Sebastian G. Ciancio, DDS, MS

Q&A with the Panel

The new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases relies upon extensive literature reviews and panels of experts convened to develop a consistent approach to diagnosis and management based on risk. It recognizes oral health as a component of overall health and well-being, the adoption of patient-centered dentistry, and the prioritization of improved patient outcomes via prevention. This new paradigm can be addressed by the incorporation of strategies to reduce risk, including the use of preventive and therapeutic products to aid in the management of the oral microbiome as a means of achieving whole-mouth health.

The Next Level for Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration in Esthetic Implant Sites
Ronald Jung, DDS, PhD, Prof. Dr. med. dent.

To improve volume stability in esthetic areas and to reduce the invasiveness and improve patient care, the next level for hard and soft tissue regeneration needs to be achieved. New GBR techniques using stabilized bone graft materials (L-shape technique) and new soft tissue substitutes to replace autogenous grafts will be presented.

Innovative Implant Maintenance Methods and Protocols for Treatment of Peri-Implantitis
Edward P. Allen, DDS, PhD

Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis following successful osseointegration of functionally- loaded implants have become recognized as significant problems in implant dentistry. Both are progressive infective processes that cause patient discomfort and can lead to implant failure.

Prevention and treatment of these maladies require reduction of the microbial burden by effective decontamination of the abutment and implant surfaces. This presentation will describe innovative implant maintenance methods and both non-surgical and minimally-invasive surgical protocols for treatment of peri-implantitis.

A Simple and Predictable Method to Preserve the Alveolar Ridge
Veronique Benhamou, BSc, DDS, Cert Perio

The loss of the post-extraction alveolar ridge volume vertically and horizontally is an irreversible process, which can present a considerable impact on the prosthetic rehabilitation, particularly when implant-supported. The rationale for alveolar bone preservation and the steps leading to facilitating prosthetic-based surgical implant placement are well-documented in literature. Ridge preservation procedures have been shown to be effective in limiting the horizontal and vertical ridge alterations. Although many techniques are available and offer excellent results, some can be surgically demanding and are not necessarily cost effective to our patients. There is no evidence to support the superiority of one technique over another. A simple and predictable method for ridge preservation will be presented including extraction techniques leading to minimal trauma to the alveolar bone.

Pulsed 1064nm Treatment for Temporomandibular Disorders
Sathish G. Palayam, DDS

33 retrospective cases were examined to develop a prospective protocol for data collection and to estimate the percent efficacy of treatment with a pulsed 1064nm laser. Several criteria, including patient pain and range of motion, are used to measure success.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the differences between pulsed 1064nm treatment capabilities and other wavelengths.
  • See radiographic results of pulsed 1064nm treatment firsthand.
  • Analyze criteria for measuring success using pulsed 1064m laser.

Kill ‘em Quick, Dead, and Often: Rx Tray Therapy in Periodontal Maintenance
Bruce Cochrane, DDS

Patients who have exhausted conventional therapy options, including surgery, or who refuse surgical intervention are excellent candidates for prescription tray delivery of medication deep into periodontal pockets to help arrest the disease process. The non-invasive delivery of antimicrobials is well-accepted by patients and it is effective, proven both in clinical trials and clinical practice. A review of the research and case studies will prepare attendees to provide prescription trays for their routine and toughest cases.

Using Deepithelialized Amnion-Chorion Allograft for Minimally-Invasive Dental Implant Surgery, Part One
Daniel R. Cullum, DDS
Andrew J. Tofe, PhD

This two-part lecture will review the history and evolution of placental tissue use in dentistry and medicine with background science, before diving into clinical cases demonstrating the many benefits of incorporating deepithelialized amnion-chorion membranes (BioXclude®) with current evidence-based minimally- invasive techniques for dental implant reconstruction. Join the discussion of open versus closed socket grafting, immediate implant placement at esthetic zone and molar sites, and other challenging bone and soft tissue applications with enhanced quality and quantity of attached tissue. Patient-centered outcomes are paramount, including reduced surgery time, reduced pain and inflammation with accelerated early healing.

Overcoming Maxillary Anterior Extraction Socket Challenges with a Unique Implant Design: A Novel Concept Beyond Platform Switching
Robert A. del Castillo, DMD

Bone and soft tissue play an important role in natural appearing outcomes after tooth loss. A new implant is available that combines Co-Axis® Implants with Subcrestal Angle Correction™ and a clinician inspired implant body design. This implant maximizes the use of the patient’s existing bone by accommodating for the unique angulation of the alveolar bone in the maxilla. You won’t want to miss the chance to learn about how this novel implant design, the convergent coronal implant INVERTA,™ allows for mid-facial and interdental tissue preservation with screw-retention of the provisional and definitive restorations.

Advances in Regenerative Implant Dentistry
Farhad E. Boltchi, DMD, MS

Recent advances in regenerative techniques and products have led to reduced treatment times and reduced number of procedures while improving the predictability of the outcomes. Innovative products and techniques enable the dental implant surgeon to achieve predictable results with one-stage procedures even in challenging and complex clinical scenarios. This lecture will focus on clinical techniques to achieve simultaneous implant placement and bone augmentation in complex clinical scenarios and soft tissue management techniques for predictable results in complex augmentative procedures.

Innovative Strategies and Techniques in Ridge Augmentation and Implant Design: Using Tantalum Metal for Complex Cases
Edgard El Chaar, DDS, MS, PC

Implant dentistry has become more challenging today than it has ever been. The demand of perfection in esthetics and the rise of failure corrections and peri-implantitis is steadily increasing. In order to face such challenges, the saying: “any dental implant will work” is out the window.

The clinician needs to rely on an implant design and regenerative materials that can support a challenged wound healing and can provide long-term sustainability and success.

Fully Guided Full-Arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction: 2019
Michael A. Pikos, DDS

This clinically based presentation will focus on the integration of restorative, surgical and laboratory disciplines, combined with CBCT technology, to provide a seamless approach for fully guided full-arch and full-mouth immediate implant reconstruction for the terminal dentition and edentulous patient. This protocol includes placement of a prefabricated computer guided monolithic acrylic bar supported prosthesis for both edentulous and dentate arches.

Clinical cases will be presented that will feature indications and protocol for this approach, as well as advantages over the conventional conversion denture protocol.

At the end of this presentation, course attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand the indications and protocol for fully guided full-arch and full-mouth immediate placement with a prefabricated monolithic acrylic bar supported provisional.
  2. Compare the advantages of this protocol over the conventional conversion denture protocol for full arch and full mouth implant reconstruction.
  3. Understand the limitations of this fully guided surgical and prosthetic protocol for full arch immediate implant reconstruction.

Precision Oral Health in Periodontology
Moderator: Maria E. Ryan, DDS, PhD

How to Translate Research Innovations into Personalized Care
William V. Giannobile, DDS, MS, DMedSC

Real World Evidence, Big Data and Genomics Improves Clinical Outcomes
Michael G. Newman, DDS, FACD

Revolutionary changes in health care are on the horizon, driven by advances in technology and a remarkable convergence of interdisciplinary scientific findings. Our understanding of personal risk has evolved based on genetic, biomarker, epigenetic, phenotypic, socioeconomic, and psychosocial determinants that provide insight into individual susceptibility to disease and response to therapy. Precision medicine and advances in precision oral health are poised to profoundly transform how clinicians approach preventive and treatment strategies to better care for our patients.

Reducing the Risk of Peri-Implantitis—A Periodontal Perspective
Alan Meltzer, DMD, MScD

The increased prevalence of peri-implantitis continues to present challenges for clinicians. While a number of therapeutic approaches continue to be developed, the true solution lies in reducing the risk of patients developing peri-implant bone loss regardless of etiology. In this session the various causes of peri-implant bone loss will be categorized and a series of clinical strategies will be presented to reduce the risk of peri-implant bone loss, including, but not limited to, peri-implantitis.

A Conometric Concept for Implant Restorations: Retention Redefined
Michael Block, DMD
Barry Goldenberg, DMD, MS

Until now, there have been two choices for final crowns on implants: screw or cement-retained. This program will introduce a third option which truly represents the best of two worlds. The groundbreaking solution uses friction to create a retention that is permanent for the patient yet retrievable for the clinician. The streamlined procedure takes seconds rather than minutes. Join us to learn about this time-saving and easy-to-use solution that helps ensure predictable results and excellent esthetics and more referrals.

Clinical and Patient Benefits of Collagen-Based Soft Tissue Substitutes for “Biotype Conversion”—A Periodontal Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective
Robert A. Levine, DDS, FCPP, FISPPS

There is growing evidence of the importance of augmenting soft and hard tissue dimensions in preventing long-term complications of teeth and implants. However, patients desire fewer surgical appointments and less morbidity without sacrificing functional and esthetic results. This clinically oriented presentation will focus on the benefits of using evidence-based collagen matrices as alternatives to autogenous grafts to increase attached keratinized tissue and mucosal thickness.

Predictable Peri-Implantitis Infrabony Defects Regeneration
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD

Treatment of peri-implantitis defects is unpredictable and has become a major challenge for dentists who place implants. This lecture is intended to present a new strategy to regenerate peri-implantitis defects predictably via EP-DDS (Etiology identification, Primary wound closure, De-granulate granulomatous tissues, De-contamination of infected implant surface using Er:YAG lasers, and Space maintenance and Stability of the wound) treatment protocol. The decision trees for managing different implant complications will also be illustrated.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize precipitating and predisposing factors associated with peri-implant complications.
  • Know how to use laser for implant surface detoxification and select proper treatment for different implant complications.
  • Learn EP-DDS guided bone regeneration protocol to predictably regenerate peri-implantitis defects.

Periodontitis and Peri-implantitis: Clinical Concepts and Management
Alan Farber, DDS

As periodontitis and peri-implantitis have skyrocketed to epidemic levels, new concepts for treatment, prevention and management must be explored. Analyzing clinician satisfaction and results using the LANAP protocol laser treatment, this course will demonstrate how the treatment of these diseases has evolved to be more efficient and satisfactory for patients.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn differences between periodontitis associated with single rooted, versus multi rooted teeth.
  • Learn the role of the inter-dental environment relative to dental diseases.
  • Learn contemporary approaches to periodontal disease prevention.
  • Explore concepts of ERSD (Enhanced Root Surface Debridement) and PRT (Pocket Reduction Therapy) facilitated by the PerioLase MVP-7 for the LANAP protocol.
  • Review of initial user satisfaction data relative to the clinical value of the LANAP protocol for the definitive treatment of periodontitis.

Using Deepithelialized Amnion-Chorion Allograft for Minimally-Invasive Dental Implant Surgery, Part Two
Daniel R. Cullum, DDS

This two-part lecture will present clinical cases demonstrating the many benefits of incorporating deepithelialized amnion-chorion membranes (BioXclude®) with current evidence-based minimally- invasive techniques for dental implant reconstruction. Join the discussion of open versus closed socket grafting, immediate implant placement at esthetic zone and molar sites, and other challenging bone and soft tissue applications with enhanced quality and quantity of attached tissue. Patient-centered outcomes are paramount, including reduced surgery time, pain, and inflammation with accelerated early healing.

Ceramic Implant 2.0 – The Next Level
Stefan Roehling, DDS, Dr. med. dent.

Currently, ceramic implants have become a serious and reliable future technology. Based on optimized manufacture processes, reliable zirconia implants can be produced. Evidence-based data have shown that zirconia implants with a micro-rough surface show equal osseous integration and similar clinical survival rates compared with established titanium implants. Initially, the skepticism regarding the clinical application of zirconia implants was often attributed to a 1-piece implant design. In the meantime, 2-piece zirconia implants—providing new treatment options for clinicians—have become available on the market. This lecture will present clinical, relevant background information and case examples to demonstrate the reliability of the latest generation of 2-piece zirconia implants.

Biodegradable Polymer Coated Calcium Phosphate Bone Graft Material: The Biology and its Successful Indications in Challenging Situations
Sebastiano Andreana, DDS, MS
Milton Geivelis, DDS

The presentation will focus on the clinical applications of GUIDOR® easy-graft® which is an in-situ hardened, biodegradable polymer coated β-tricalcium phosphate graft material based on biological principles. Particularly the cases presented will illustrate challenging clinical scenarios, including infected sockets and infected implants, where the material was successfully used for ridge preservation, ridge augmentation and regeneration of bone also in medically complex patients.  Long term results will be shown.

From Simple to Full-Arch Case Management in a Modern Clinical Practice (3 – 4:30 p.m.)
Alessandro Agnini, DMD
Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini, DDS

Why go digital? It makes everything easier! Learn how integrating digital technology and innovative surgical and restorative materials into every step of your clinical workflow and implant practice can enhance the patient experience. A digital workflow can help deliver predictable, quality dentistry, improve office efficiency and productivity, and leave a positive impression on your dental implant patients. Diagnosis, CBCT-scan planning, digital impressions, and treatment sequencing for implant patients can become seamless and predictable.

It is true that the advent of new technologies has enabled the dental team to use new material and new equipment that facilitated the production of an adaptation and an accuracy of the prosthetic rehabilitation that has, up to now, been difficult to obtain. But not only, to date, enhancement to implant surface technology has been evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Trabecular Metal™ technology has changed all that. This is because Trabecular Metal Material allows for true bone “in- growth” rather than just “on-growth.” The lecture will also highlight, in detail, this new implant surface technology, related literature, as well as its enhancing effect on current clinical implant protocols.

Today, intra-oral scanning technology is one of the most exciting new areas in dentistry since three-dimensional scanning of the mouth is required for a large number of procedures such as prosthodontics, implant dentistry, and orthodontics. All the existing intra-oral scanning technology is being developed and implemented at a high pace because of the advantages over traditional impression techniques including speed, accuracy, and digital transmission to face the limitations and the disadvantages of the traditional impression procedure maintaining a high accuracy level in order to be used as an efficacious alternative to the conventional impression technique.

During this detailed workshop, several cases will be analyzed, highlighting the operational differences that they have developed over time, with the increasing knowledge of the new materials and the daily development of the new software as well as explain how superior results are achieved in less time by implementing new technologies.

New Possibilities in Tissue Regeneration and Osseointegration Utilizing Autologous Bio-Activators
Nelson R. Pinto, DDS

Shaping of the biologic response, utilizing autologous growth factors, and new implant architectures give us the capacity to achieve exquisite clinical outcomes in oral implantology. Research has demonstrated autologous and nature-based biomaterials help us achieve more successful results. Using the right combination of bio-activators and biomaterials can increase the success rate of tissue regeneration, even in the most challenging cases, and transform tissue repair into true regeneration. This session will present how you can utilize autologous bio-activators for a variety of patients in your clinical practice.

Innovative Management of Periodontal and Implant Conditions with Er,Cr: YSGG Laser Technology
Rick Heard, DDS, MS, iMc
Samuel B. Low DDS, MS, Med
Ron Nevins, DDS

Today’s periodontist requires technology to enhance procedural results in a variety of both hard and soft tissue environments. Current research is being undertaken to further demonstrate the scientific value of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser in effectively managing both periodontitis and peri-implantitis.

We will discuss development and progress of two first-of-kind, landmark studies in this area: (1) “A prospective, multicenter, randomized, blinded and controlled study comparing REPAIR™ and MIST Therapies for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Generalized Periodontitis.”  This study is an analysis of the Er,Cr: YSGG laser in managing severe periodontal disease using clinical and radiographic parameters along with patient reported outcomes.  (2) “Er,Cr:YSGG Laser’s Role in Treating Peri-implantitis: A Clinical Case Series.”  An investigation including the histological, histomorphometric and radiographic analysis of utilizing the erbium laser’s ability to manage peri-implantitis by decontaminating implant surfaces  and induction of re-osteointegration.

The global expansion of procedures for managing both moderate to severe periodontitis to peri-implantitis will also be presented with scientific justification demonstrating accelerated wound healing.   Pearls will be provided to market the “techno” practice in today’s competitive environment.

Incorporating the New Risk-Based Classification into Clinical Practice with Strategies to Reduce Risk
Moderator: Maria E. Ryan, DDS, PhD

New AAP/EFP Periodontal Classifications Guidelines in Clinical Practice
Panos N. Papapanou, DDS, PhD

Whole-Mouth Health to Reduce Risk and Aid in the Management of Periodontal Diseases
Sebastian G. Ciancio, DDS, MS

Q&A with the Panel
The new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases relies upon extensive literature reviews and panels of experts convened to develop a consistent approach to diagnosis and management based on risk. It recognizes oral health as a component of overall health and well- being, the adoption of patient-centered dentistry, and the prioritization of improved patient outcomes via prevention. This new paradigm can be addressed by the incorporation of strategies to reduce risk, including the use of preventive and therapeutic products to aid in the management of the oral microbiome as a means of achieving whole-mouth health.

The Latest Evolutions and Advancements in Implant Dentistry
David Barack, DDS

The ongoing evolution of dental implant therapy has been critical to improved patient care. Changes are reflected in incremental improvements to basic implant design features as well as modifications of surgical and prosthetic approaches in an effort to make tooth replacement therapies more predictable for our patients.

This presentation will set the stage for where we have been, where we are, and most importantly, where design enhancement will help our patients in the future. These changes will have a positive impact on surgical stability offering the surgeon options to manage the peri-implant tissues with predictable esthetic outcomes.

Importance of Soft Tissue Grafting for the Management of Implants
Frank Schwarz, Prof. Dr. med. dent.

Soft tissue augmentation has become an essential measure for both the prevention and management of peri-implant diseases. The establishment of an adequate width of keratinized tissue as well as soft tissue volume augmentation to compensate for the occurrence of mucosal recessions following surgical treatment of peri-implantitis will be discussed.

Advanced CBCT Imaging in Periodontics
Bruno Azevedo, DDS, MS

CBCT imaging is one of the most important tools during the diagnosis, treatment planning, and management of patients with periodontal disease and/or seeking dental implants. This course will demonstrate how high-resolution imaging can positively impact all phases of treatment in contrast to low resolution scans. This dynamic lecture will guide you through specific steps on how to acquire and manipulate CBCT scans for periodontal/implant planning. We will discuss how Morita CBCT imaging can help you better visualize key anatomical structures and dental implants with minimal to no imaging artifacts.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the importance of high-resolution scans in your daily practice.
  • Understand the importance of zoom reconstruction during CBCT interpretation.
  • How to minimize metal artifacts such as beam hardening.

Peri-Implantitis and Implant Failures
Jon B. Suzuki, DDS, PhD

Peri-implantitis is a growing clinical issue for periodontists and other specialists.  Management of peri-implantitis and implant failures remains difficult and unpredictable to treatment plan.  Implant therapies display a constellation of approaches, including regeneration and laser therapies. This seminar highlights surgical and laser therapies, with an emphasis on LAPIP.

Learning Objectives:

  • Classify peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, according to new AAP guidelines.
  • Recognize the multiple primary etiologies of peri-implant disease.
  • Treatment plan surgical and non-surgical approaches for implant rescue, including NdYAG laser therapies.
  • Diagnose and treatment plan the various forms and levels of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
  • Treat peri-implant disease, both non-surgically and surgically.

Predictable Bone Grafting with the OSSIX Line of Products
Matthew J. Fien, DDS

The OSSIX portfolio of regenerative products offers the clinician simple, effective, and predictable solutions to perform socket preservation and ridge augmentation in preparation for dental implant placement. This presentation will highlight the features of the OSSIX line of products and describe in detail various techniques that can be employed to perform guided bone regeneration using OSSIX Plus, OSSIX Volumax, and OSSIX Bone to treat a wide array of clinical scenarios.

Adjunctive Use of Nature’s Duct Tape for Enhanced Periodontal Tissue Repair and Regenerative Healing
Nicholas Poulos, DDS, MS

Deepithelialized amnion-chorion allograft (BioXclude®) is very thin, extremely adaptable, naturally self-adherent, contains biological factors that aid in healing, promotes angiogenesis, reduce inflammation, and accelerate gingival flap reattachment, making it the perfect adjunct for periodontal tissue repair and regeneration. This lecture will review clinical cases to demonstrate the benefits of the adjunctive use of BioXclude with deep scaling and root planing, laser-assisted regeneration, guided tissue regeneration, peri-implantitis, and soft tissue grafts.

Trends that are Changing Planning and Treatment in Implant Dentistry
Sonia Leziy, DDS, Dip. Perio, FCDS(BC), FRCD(C)

The goal of all clinicians is to provide ideal care with proven materials and predictable concepts from surgery through to restoration. However, early adoption of emerging technologies and innovations may challenge this. This lecture reviews some of the emerging trends in both surgical and restorative thinking and treatment, and how they are changing today’s clinical landscape.

Specific attention will involve the demand for immediate surgical and restorative protocols and understanding the role of allografts and new technologies for predictable treatment outcomes.

Click for the 3 – 4:30 p.m. session information.